Nike X Gen 1

This is a fun, fake Nike spec commercial I created as a test to seewhat I could achieve quickly with start up RunwayML's Gen 1 tool.

I always wished I could draw cel animation. Now I can generate it .

Here is a low-lift spec piece I made. I pulled a bunch of live action stock shots of athletes warming up/exercising. I ran a single frame from each shot through Midjourney to generate a style frame. Then I loaded the footage and the style frame into the Gen1 tool from Runway. Gen 1 takes footage as input, paired with a reference style frame and outputs a version of the footage rendered with the look of the style frame.

Finally, I slotted the 'hand drawn (AI) cel animated' shots back into the edit, added some stock FX footage here and there and did a crappy sound track edit.

As with many of these gen ai tools, the quality still has issues. Some of the shots work better than others. But being able to achieve this style of animation so quickly, by myself and without any cel animation training/talent is quite exciting for me.

Input footage
Reference style frame (Midjourney)